About this blog

Marnie and Paul are a retired couple living in Arrowsic, Maine. We have enjoyed brief visits to various parts of the state, and our enthusiasm for these visits led friends to suggest we "write them up." So here are some very short descriptions of where we've been and what we did there, along with links to web sites where appropriate. We hope readers will comment on these places and add their own impressions and suggestions.
The places we visited are not listed in any special order.


This past spring we spent two nights at The Lodge at Camden Hills. It was a very good accommodation, a suite that seemed like a little cottage (they have cottages, too). We were right next to Camden Hills State Park, and we enjoyed, despite some damp weather, the climb to the 1300-foot high Ocean Lookout on Mt. Megunticook. We had two homestyle breakfasts at Marriner's, which were filling, excellent, and cheap. We had quite an adventurous dinner at the Whale's Tooth Pub in Lincolnville Beach, where everyone seemed to be a local and the quality was excellent. We also dined at The Waterfront, which was good, but not especially memorable. Though we would not go to Camden in July or August, it was charming in early May.
 In September 2015 we returned, again thanks to Andrea, this time to the Hartstone Inn. There, the tasting meal was superb. The next night we dined at Fresh, maybe even better. Camden gets better all the time. If you go, stroll down Mechanic Street at night and across the new footbridge, which is covered with flowers, lovely.

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